Reason to Praise

MAY 2024

I was blessed to hear a short sermon by a teenager a couple weeks ago and somewhere in his sermon he mentioned that the way many believers in Christ worship on Sunday morning doesn’t reflect the words we sing. He said many of us sing lies every Sunday morning. 

That thought stayed with me as I left the room and has since resonated in my heart. I wonder if my worship would be different if God himself sat next to me in church? 

Truth is, if we really pay attention to the words we sing and believe in them truly, we may find ourselves on a different level with the way we express ourselves to God almighty. This is dare not be a show for man cos that would defeat the purpose. This is a situation that if nobody was around you’ll still praise like your life depended on it. God has surely been good to all of us and so we must praise him not only when we stand on the mountaintop but also when we find ourselves in the valley. 

I think of King David leaping and dancing before the Lord. I mean, talk about praising God undignified [2 Samuel 6:14-23]. Yes praise! There are many reasons to praise God but in case you need a reminder, here a few that we sang last Sunday: 

 _I’ll praise when I feel it

And I’ll praise when I don’t

I’ll praise ’cause I know

You’re still in control

I’ll praise ’cause You’re sovereign

Praise ’cause You reign

Praise ’cause You rose and defeated the grave

I’ll praise ’cause You’re faithful

Praise ’cause You’re true

Praise ’cause there’s nobody greater than You, 

Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6)