
Children’s Ministry

Kids are attended to by certified and authentic teacher volunteers. Kids learn and sing songs that tell of the amazing love of Jesus and the faith that is required to believe in his infinite greatness. They are taught Bible-based stories with lots of interaction and participation.


These are the first people that visitors and regular worshippers meet as they arrive. These are the people that will shake your hand and/or may even give you a hug while welcoming you. They also help with offering, attendance, passing out invitation cards, etc.


There is power in prayer and the 2 or More Prayer Team meet on Thursdays to pray for the needs of the church, families, leaders, and nation. All-church prayer is every last Thursday of every month.


Volunteers serve in a variety of areas including operating the sound board, controlling microphone output levels, and balancing monitors and speakers. Volunteers also use MediaShout to display lyrics during worship, announcements and ProPresenter for our Facebook livestream.

Women’s Ministry

There are opportunities for women to grow together learning about themselves and how they can relate to other women in the Bible but most importantly learning how to live righteously with growing faith.

Men’s Ministry

Men have to opportunity to gather and learn the skills and tools to be the priesthood of their homes and to love their spouses (if they are married) just as Christ loved the church. Being a leader is a very important mandate and they learn all it takes to be just that.