BBQ At Kevin’s New House

JULY 2024

It’s a crazy time to buy a house today. Interest rates especially are just very depressing. Yet we need a roof over our head to be able to live in this complicated world comfortably. 

For homeowners like Kevin or tenants out there, what if you received a message from your mortgage company or landlord that states all expenses are paid and you owe nothing? The realization that you can live comfortably without worrying about how to pay monthly rent or mortgage would be priceless, right? 

Well that happened to Kevin. It actually happened to you as well. When Jesus died on the cross over two thousand years ago, he paid a debt that he didn’t owe – your debt. He was a man that knew no sin yet he paid the price for your sin and mine. Now we can be *FREE* after we confess our sins and accept Jesus into our hearts. That is the story of salvation. 

We are all bound by sin but because Jesus died and is ressurected, we can be *FREE* . This is the gospel. Jesus died so we all can know him and be *FREE* . 

His death and ressurection equals our freedom. So like living rent and mortgage *FREE* , we can also live sin *FREE* . 

As you celebrate America’s Independence Day this July 4th, remember all of that. #landofthefree      #homeofthebrave