Let’s Fellowship

JUNE 202

Whether you like it or not, I need you just as much as you need me. 

Gone are those days when we were always in church besides Sunday. There was Wednesday night Bible Study, Saturday Outreach Ministry and Tuesday prayer meeting. Then there was choir practice, drama rehearsal, Bible quiz practice, etc. Let’s not even talk about revival services that run for days. 

The church as we have known it in decades looks very different today, unfortunately. The Covid-19 pandemic arguably may be to blame partly cos of the convenience of doing church in front of a flat screen device. 

As we’ve tried to press on forward post–pandemic, many have not transitioned back to gathering together face to face in church.

Some Christians ask, ” _Do I actually need to be in church to attend service?_ ” Well, the answer is ” *Yes* .” 

There is something powerful when believers get together in a familiar place. Lest we forget, the church is not the building we meet in on Sundays but the body of believers in Christ.  

Psalms 133:1 says, ” _How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!_ ” 

When we are together, we are stronger cos we build each other up. And for an added bonus, you can’t make disciples if ur not a disciple yourself and what better way to be a disciple?